Healthcare should be your safeguard against unexpected medical costs, but unfortunately, it’s also become a payday for scammers. With rising cyberattacks, medical fraud is more prevalent than ever, leaving individuals vulnerable to identity theft and hefty medical bills.

In early 2024, Change Healthcare experienced a major cyberattack affecting thousands of healthcare providers, insurers, and policyholders nationwide. Reports suggest that nearly half of all U.S. medical claims could be compromised! If you’re sitting in a waiting room with nine other patients, five of you might fall victim to medical identity theft within the year.

Once your medical data is leaked online, fraudsters can file fake insurance claims, purchase expensive medications, and much more—all charged to your account. Victims often don’t realize their information has been misused until they face denial of coverage, tax issues, or discover fraudulent procedures on their medical history. Some only learn about the theft after receiving rejection letters from their insurance provider for surgeries or treatments they never had.

The damage doesn’t stop with individuals—fraudulent organizations can exploit your medical details to run fake billing schemes. In mid-2024, authorities charged 193 individuals, including doctors and medical professionals, with orchestrating various healthcare fraud operations that swindled $2.75 billion from federal programs. Medical fraud is happening all around us!

10 Warning Signs That You’re a Victim of Medical Identity Theft

  1. Unfamiliar Medical Bills: Receiving bills for services you didn’t receive is a clear indication that something is wrong.
  2. Debt Collectors: Getting calls or letters about unpaid medical debts you don’t recognize.
  3. Errors in Medical Records: Discovering incorrect treatments or diagnoses in your medical records.
  4. Insurance Denials: Finding out that your insurance claims are denied because you’ve supposedly maxed out your benefits.
  5. Suspicious Notifications: Receiving alerts from your insurer about claims or services you didn’t request.
  6. New Accounts: Discovering unfamiliar health insurance accounts or medical records in your name.
  7. Inaccurate EOB Statements: Your insurance statements list medical services or treatments you never had.
  8. Difficulty with New Insurance: Facing trouble obtaining life or health insurance due to medical conditions you don’t actually have.
  9. Unexpected Calls from Providers: Receiving calls about appointments or follow-ups for treatments you never underwent.
  10. Unrecognized Prescriptions: Learning that prescriptions were filled in your name without your knowledge or authorization.

Protect Yourself from Medical Identity Fraud

Medical fraud is a growing threat, but you can take steps to protect yourself:

  • Stay Informed About Breaches: Regularly check if your healthcare provider has been involved in any data breaches using reliable databases.
  • Secure Your Medical Records: Keep paper copies of your records in a locked, secure place to avoid unauthorized access.
  • Shred Sensitive Documents: Shred any documents containing personal or medical information before discarding them.
  • Monitor Your Medical History: Request and review your medical records for unfamiliar diagnoses or procedures.
  • Carefully Review Insurance Bills: Go over your Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statements and immediately flag any suspicious charges.
  • Dispose of Prescription Labels Safely: Remove labels from prescription bottles before throwing them away to prevent identity theft.
  • Keep an Eye on Your Credit: Check your credit reports regularly at for any suspicious activity.

The healthcare industry will continue to be a prime target for cybercriminals. Attacks on hospitals, clinics, and insurance providers are not going away. Stay vigilant and take preventive measures now to safeguard your medical identity.

For extra peace of mind, we can help you find out how you’re at risk with our FREE Cyber Security Risk Assessment. Call us at (281) 646-1200 or click here to book your scan today!