Discovering a potential cybersecurity breach can send any small business owner into a tailspin.  However, in the dynamic landscape of cyber threats, swift and decisive action can mitigate damages and protect your business.  Today, we delve into the most common signs of a compromised system and outline five crucial steps to take when facing a suspected breach.

Signs Of A Compromise

IBM's recent cybersecurity report paints a startling picture: the average data breach remains undetected for a staggering 277 days.  Amidst this alarming statistic, recognizing indicators of a breach becomes paramount.  These signs, often misconstrued as routine computer glitches, include:

  • Sluggish network or computer performance
  • Persistent freezes or sudden crashes
  • Inundation of rapid pop-up messages
  • Locked user accounts without explanation
  • Unanticipated file modifications
  • Strange system behavior, like activity post-shutdown
  • Suspicious account activities

NOTE: If you experience any of these issues, it’s a good idea to contact your IT team.  If it’s an attack, they’ll know the proper steps to take and, if it’s not, they’ll be able to update your system or replace your device to improve performance.

What To Do Next

If you’re experiencing any of these issues, the next steps you take are important.  Here is what our team of experts recommends:

  1. Isolate and Preserve:

Upon suspecting a breach, disconnect the affected device from the network immediately. Avoid rebooting or shutting it down, though, as this could exacerbate the situation.

  1. Engage Your IT Support Team IMMEDIATELY:

Swiftly notify your trusted IT or managed services provider. Their expertise is indispensable in containing the breach, assessing its impact, and initiating mitigation measures. DIY attempts may worsen the situation.

  1. Legal Consultation:

Reach out to legal counsel, particularly if sensitive data is involved. Legal experts can navigate compliance obligations and potential liabilities, ensuring adherence to relevant laws, both state and federal.

  1. Secure Accounts:

As the IT team is working on containing the breach, you’ll want to change passwords across all accounts to prevent further unauthorized access.  Best practice is to have multifactor authentication (MFA) enabled so you will be notified if someone tries to access your account but, if not, begin working through your accounts to secure them, prioritizing those housing sensitive data like personal and financial information.

  1. Financial Vigilance:

Monitor bank accounts and payment systems diligently for any anomalies.  Given the financial motives driving cyberattacks, this step is crucial in safeguarding your assets.

If you’re hit by a cyberattack, there will be a list of other steps to take, like implementing a PR communications plan, notifying appropriate parties such as law enforcement and more.  However, the most important thing you can do RIGHT AWAY if a data breach occurs is to isolate the incident and hand it over to a qualified cybersecurity professional as soon as possible.  Time matters in these situations.  Remember, prevention is more cost-effective than remediation.

For West Houston businesses seeking reliable IT support and cybersecurity solutions, our team offers a FREE Cyber Security Risk Assessment.  Take proactive measures today to protect your business from cyber threats.  Book a Discovery Call now and fortify your defenses against potential breaches.  Get started by clicking here or calling (281) 646-1200.